Platform Cooperativism Resource Library




Kooperatif tipleri





1728'nin 54kaynak eşleşti


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Tümünü temizle

  • Challenging the Corporate Sharing Economy

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: Kooperatif hareketi
    +5daha fazla
    Nisan 20, 2020Eklendi
  • Platform co-op looks to show a better way forward on AI

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: Yapay zeka
    Aralık 28, 2023Eklendi
  • A History of Decentralization

    topic: Platformlar
    topic: Dijital şehirler
    +4daha fazla
    Mayıs 7, 2020Eklendi
  • Why Taxi Cooperatives Offer Better Job Security for Drivers

    topic: Platform kapitalizmi
    topic: Platformlar
    +1daha fazla
    Ekim 11, 2019Eklendi
  • Digital Discrimination

    topic: Platform kapitalizmi
    topic: Çeşitlilik ve kapsama
    +3daha fazla
    Ekim 11, 2019Eklendi
  • An introduction to platform co-ops

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: Kooperatifçilik esasları
    Mart 16, 2021Eklendi
  • Guidance Notes to the Co-operative Principles

    topic: Kooperatif hareketi
    topic: En iyi kooperatifçilik uygulamaları
    +5daha fazla
    Haziran 24, 2020Eklendi
  • Challenges and Success Potentials of Platform Cooperatives: Insights from a Multiple Case Study

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: Kooperatif hareketi
    +2daha fazla
    Aralık 28, 2023Eklendi
  • Platform Cooperativism vs. the Sharing Economy

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    Ocak 31, 2021Eklendi