Platform Cooperativism Resource Library


Our Moment

At the Platform Co-op Consortium, we hope that you and your loved ones are safe and in good health. From India, Italy, and Brazil to the United States, the virus does not discriminate, yet its economic and social impact is unevenly distributed. Workers in tourism, the arts, retail, education, and all informal workers are the hardest hit. Low-income, marginalized, working-class people and immigrants are more adversely affected.

What comes next? Amazon, Wholefoods, and Instacart workers walking out may just be the beginning. A general strike of gig workers? A student loan holders strike? We see it all over the world. In moments of crisis like this, things that had been considered impossible can become common sense:  The Great Depression gave rise to the original New Deal. We need to show possibilities for how the world could be better. Digital cooperatives can provide better jobs at scale. They can do so now.

Added April 3, 2020