Platform Cooperativism Resource Library


The President of the International Co-operative Alliance, Monique F. LEROUX, formally opened the 2016 General Assembly and welcomed the many members who were present. The 2016 Alliance General Assembly was convened in the context of the International Summit of Cooperatives which had been witnessed by a very strong attendance. In accordance with the Belgian law requirement, the primary purpose of this Alliance General Assembly is to approve the 2015 annual accounts and to vote the discharge of the Auditor and of the Directors for the execution of their mandate for the last fiscal year. The General Assembly also will conduct elections to fill the two vacancies in the Board and deal with any other necessary business. However, key topics and reports will be discussed next year, during the Alliance biennial General Assembly, planned in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), on 17 November 2017. After this introduction, the President proposed to move immediately on to the items on the agenda.

Added May 5, 2020