Platform Cooperativism Resource Library


Prof. Minsun Ji at Who Owns the World Conference, convened by the Platform Cooperativism Consortium at The New School in November 2019. Minsun is a speaker for the Research Reports by the Fellows of the Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy session.

In April, 2019, Prof. Trebor Scholz founded the Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy at The New School. Hear a brief report from an inaugural research fellow:

“Organizing Precarious Workers in South Korea Through Platform Cooperatives” — Prof. Minsun Ji

Minsun is the Director of the Center for New Directions in Politics and Public Policy program, in the Political Science Department at the University of Colorado Denver. She was the founder and long-time executive director of a worker center in Denver, Colorado, El Centro Humanitario para los Trabajadores (Humanitarian Center for Workers), organizing immigrant day laborers and domestic workers. She was also a labor union organizer with Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and was a labor activist in her native country, South Korea. She received her Ph.D. from the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver and her special interests of research include international political economy, worker cooperatives, social movements, labor politics of different countries and solidarity economy.

Added April 22, 2020