Platform Cooperativism Resource Library


Prof. Joseph Blasi (Rutgers University) at Who Owns the World Conference, convened by the Platform Cooperativism Consortium at The New School in November 2019. Blasi is a speaker for the Digital Co-op Fractals: Iterations, Patterns, Questions event.

About the event: For this session, we are tracing emerging patterns within the cooperative digital ecosystem. We asked each speaker to pose a question, which they’ll then answer for 10 minutes. Then, we will open it up to everybody for a People’s Q&A. Here is the question that will guide Prof. Joseph Blasi’s discussion:

How best can platform cooperatives contribute to fundamental community-based system-wide political-economic transformation?

Joseph R. Blasi is an American economic sociologist, currently a Distinguished Professor and the J. Robert Beyster Professor at Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations. He graduated with an Ed.D from Harvard University.

Added April 22, 2020