Platform Cooperativism Resource Library


Danny Spitzberg at Who Owns the World Conference, convened by the Platform Cooperativism Consortium at The New School in November 2019. Spitzberg is a guest speaker for the Who Owns the World? The State of Platform Cooperativism discussion panel.

Danny Spitzberg provides a summary of the findings from the co-opathon. The co-opathon was a participatory session on how to map the cooperative digital economy in a way that is useful for all stakeholders. This gathering invited everyone to explore individual opportunities and propose solutions for a simple, searchable, and useful index of our ecosystem. In 2020, the index will be designed as part of the Platform Co-op Development Kit.

Danny is a user researcher based in Oakland, California. He does co-design for shared ownership and control of digital tools. Danny also organizes with the Tech Workers Coalition, a worker-led, all-volunteer network building worker power, and coordinated #BuyTwitter, a campaign to turn Twitter into a user-owned public utility.

Connect at @daspitzberg

Added April 16, 2020