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Regulating the Internet Giants
Cooperators of the World, Unite! Finale as Part of Who Owns the World?
Town Hall 1 - Cooperation: Best Practices (Q&A) | PCC Conference
Riccardo Carboni on Cotabo as Part of Who Owns the World?
Camila Luconi Viana & Mario De Conto as Part of Who Owns the World?
Lisa Pointner (Smart Austria) as Part of Who Owns the World? Conference
Jonny Gordon-Farleigh as Part of Who Owns the World? PCC Conference
Greg Brodsky as Part of Who Owns the World? PCC Conference
Introduction to Town Hall 1- Cooperation: Best Practice | PCC Conference
Jonas Pentzien- “Political and Legislative Obstacles for Platform Coops"
Luciana Bruno- "Connecting Waste Pickers in Brazil / Cataki Case Study"