Platform Cooperativism Resource Library


Ron Kim at Who Owns the World Conference, convened by the Platform Cooperativism Consortium at The New School in November 2019. Kim is a speaker for Town Hall 3 – Data Co-ops as a Path Toward Data Sovereignty. 

About This Town Hall
Beyond the analysis of how surveillance capitalism is extracting data and controlling our lives, this session is pointing to a way forward for the democratization of digital infrastructure. Without ownership of the platform or protocol, how do we move from Big Tech’s data extraction to data sovereignty? From “smart cities” to the healthcare sector, music streaming and beyond, data cooperatives are becoming more relevant to founders who work to democratize the Internet through cooperatively owned digital infrastructure – from social media to cloud services and beyond.

Assemblymember Ron Kim represents the 40th district of the New York State Assembly. Elected in 2012, Kim’s public policy solutions have gained national attention and garnered him the reputation as a key thought-leader in the economic development policy space. Most notably, Assemblymember Kim was the first public official to lead the opposition against Amazon HQ2. His policy stance lead to a larger discussion around corporate subsidies,  economic development, and the rate of return of these investments.  Since then, Assemblymember Kim catalyzed a nationwide inter-state compact, with nearly 20 state representatives, who legislatively agree to end the “race to the bottom” competition designed to lure mega-corporations into their states. His latest legislative initiative,  The Inclusive Value Ledger (IVL), is a transformational new savings and payments platform that will massively accelerate value creation, reward undervalued work – carework, and steadily grow the health and wealth of New York State citizens, businesses, and communities. The digital technology that undergirds the IVL enables New Yorkers to generate, capture, and exchange value that has gone untapped for centuries.

Added April 20, 2020