Platform Cooperativism Resource Library


Riccardo Carboni (Cotabo) at Who Owns the World Conference, convened by the Platform Cooperativism Consortium at The New School in November 2019. Riccardo is a speaker for the Owning Our Power: Young Lions of the Co-op Movement event.

About the event: We are proud to showcase a combination of some of the most inspiring projects that have recently launched, and others that have distinctly proven themselves over the past few years. We will hear about strategies for capitalization, franchisement of the co-op model, the encouragement and facilitation of democratic governance among distributed producers, collaboration with unions, technological innovations relying on blockchain, and revenue sharing in the community. In quick succession, presenters will offer you an overview of how they are collectively making cooperative interventions across a range of sectors. Learn from these pioneers.

Riccardo Carboni is the president of Cotabo, one of the leading taxi driver cooperatives in Italy. Cotabo was founded in 1967 and since then has provided services to more than 500 taxi driver associates, with the aim to improve their working conditions. The taxi drivers are the real Cotabo owners. Cotabo is eco-friendly: 48% of the fleet are low emissions cars and the headquarters are located in a Class A building. Carboni is also part of the Legacoop Bologna board of presidents. Legacoop Bologna has more than 2 million members and represents about 200 different cooperatives, providing job opportunities to more than 70,000 people. Carboni has also taken an active part in negotiating taxi reforms with the Government. Carboni is also a founder of Apptaxi, a 19-radio taxi network with more than 5000 taxi drivers.

Added April 22, 2020