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Prof. Jack Linchuan Qiu (Chinese University of Hong Kong) at Who Owns the World Conference, convened by the Platform Cooperativism Consortium at The New School in November 2019. Jack is a speaker for the Digital Co-op Fractals: Iterations, Patterns, Questions event.

About the event: For this session, we are tracing emerging patterns within the cooperative digital ecosystem. We asked each speaker to pose a question, which they’ll then answer for 10 minutes. Then, we will open it up to everybody for a People’s Q&A. Here is the question that will guide Prof. Jack Linchuan Qiu’s discussion:

How to start a platform co-op while minimizing the dangers of an authoritarian crackdown?

Jack Linchuan Qiu is a Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he serves as director of the C-Centre (Centre for Chinese Media and Comparative Communication Research). His publications include Goodbye iSlave (U of Illinois Press, 2016), World’s Factory in the Information Era 信息时代的世界工厂 (Guangxi Normal University Press, 2013), New Media Events Research 新媒体事件研究 (Renmin U Press, 2011), Working-Class Network Society (MIT Press, 2009), Mobile Communication and Society (co-authored, MIT Press, 2006), some of which have been translated into German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Korean. Associate Editor for the Journal of Communication, he is on the editorial boards of a dozen international academic journals, including six indexed in the SSCI. He also works with grassroots NGOs and provides consultancy services for international organizations.

Added April 22, 2020