Platform Cooperativism Resource Library


In this dissertation multi-sided platforms, platform cooperatives and the future of the platform economy is researched. This begins with a review of all relevant literature on the topic of platforms. Work such as Ours to hack and to own by Scholz and Schneider (2016) provides some interesting perspectives. This is then followed by the identification of specific research questions and then primary research on these through a series of semi-structure interviews. The literature reveals some information on how these organisations are influencing society and reveals the areas where more research is needed. The methodology section lays out in detail the way in which this process is undertaken and the rationale behind doing so. The results of this process were coded thematically and analysed. This produced some conclusive statements on the nature of the platform economy. The main influences on society and solutions for the negative influences are identified. This area drew attention to many areas of conflicting opinion within the topic. Limitations of this research project were identified and future research is suggested. Finally, the dissertation presents a clear overview of the developments and likely changes in the platform economy.

Added April 28, 2020