This Airbnb alternative won’t destroy Canada’s housing market Kunal Chaudharytarafından topic: İş modeli Aralık 28, 2023Eklendi
Worker-Owned Gig Apps, 2022 Creator Report, Benefits of a Mental Health Career Break, and More… Paul Estestarafından topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği topic: Esnek ekonomi Aralık 28, 2023Eklendi
Platform cooperatives ensure caring in the sharing economy Beate Steurertarafından topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği topic: Hukuk ve politika Aralık 29, 2023Eklendi
Oportunidades y desafíos del cooperativismo de plataformas. Un análisis desde el enfoque de las tecnologías para la inclusión social JULIA CÓFRECEStarafından topic: Kooperatif hareketi topic: Platform kapitalizmi Aralık 29, 2023Eklendi