Tümüne göz at
1728'nin 26kaynak eşleşti
Gösterilen kaynaklar, bu filtrelerden en az birisi ile eşleşmektedir.
Turning Fairbnb Coop into a Multi-Stakeholder Cooperative
Decentralized Blockchain Technology and the Rise of Lex Cryptographia
Toward a Digital Decolonial Turn
What Do We Really Know About Worker Cooperatives?
Big Other: Surveillance Capitalism
Data Cooperatives as Catalysts for Collaboration, Data Sharing, and the (Trans)Formation of the Digital Commons
Workers of the Internet Unite?
Stressors and coping strategies among app-based taxi drivers in Tehran
vTaiwan: An Empirical Study of Open Consultation Process in Taiwan
Changing Models of Work in the Digital Platform Economy
Designing for Participation and Change in Digital Institutions