A Protocol for Anonymous and Accurate E-Polling Av Danilo Bruschi, Andrea Lanzi, and Igor Naiq Fovino topic: Plattformskooperativism topic: Demokratiskt ägande +8 till Tillagt maj 8, 2020
A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace Av John Perry Barlow topic: Plattformskooperativism topic: Plattformskapitalism +7 till Tillagt maj 7, 2020
Recommendations for an AI Strategy in Switzerland Av Joachim Buhmann, Anika Schumann, Matthias Kaiserswerth, Jana Koehler, Hervé Bourlard, Alessandro Curioni, Lukas Czornomaz, Ernst Hafen, and Manuel Kugler topic: Data topic: Digitala städer +6 till Tillagt april 20, 2020
Digital Platforms Av Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) topic: Plattformar topic: Nya affärsformer +8 till Tillagt juni 24, 2020
Decentralization: The Future of Online Social Networking Av Ching-man Au Yeung, Ilaria Liccardi, Kanghao Lu, Oshani Seneviratne, and Tim Berners-Lee topic: Plattformskapitalism topic: Plattformar +12 till Tillagt maj 22, 2020