Platform Cooperativism Resource Library









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  • Value AND Currency

    topic: Plattformskapitalism
    topic: Affärsmodell
    +15 till
    Tillagt januari 18, 2021
  • Basic Income Beyond the Nation-State

    topic: Kooperativ rörelse
    topic: Affärsmodell
    +6 till
    Tillagt juni 22, 2020
  • The Dangers of Decentralization

    topic: Offentlig politik
    topic: Distribuerad styrning
    +2 till
    Tillagt juni 2, 2020
  • The Sublime Object of Entrepreneurship

    topic: Affärsmodell
    topic: Nya affärsformer
    Tillagt juni 2, 2020
  • Household Wealth Trends in the United States, 1962 to 2016

    topic: Offentlig politik
    topic: Låglönearbetare
    Tillagt juni 2, 2020
  • Defining and Measuring Decentralisation

    topic: Demokratiskt ägande
    topic: Nya affärsformer
    +6 till
    Tillagt maj 29, 2020
  • The Evolution of Entrepreneurial Finance

    topic: Nya affärsformer
    topic: Startfinansiering
    Tillagt maj 25, 2020
  • Persons, Property, and the Corporation

    topic: Offentlig politik
    topic: Ägande
    +2 till
    Tillagt maj 25, 2020
  • Review –– Ownership and Control

    topic: Ägande
    topic: Styrning
    +1 till
    Tillagt maj 25, 2020
  • Who are the owners of the firm

    topic: Ägande
    topic: Styrning
    Tillagt maj 25, 2020