Platform Cooperativism Resource Library









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  • 5 Ways to Take Back Tech

    topic: Plattformskooperativism
    topic: Plattformar
    +4 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • Why Business Models Fail

    topic: Affärsmodell
    topic: Plattformar
    +5 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • There’s a Problem With ‘Crowd Labor’

    topic: Plattformskapitalism
    topic: Plattformar
    +8 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • Is It Time to Break Up Google?

    topic: Plattformskapitalism
    topic: Affärsmodell
    +3 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • It’s Time to Break Up Facebook

    topic: Affärsmodell
    topic: Plattformar
    +3 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • What is Digital Labor?

    topic: Plattformskapitalism
    topic: Affärsmodell
    +5 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • Why Austin Should Seize the Means of Transportation

    topic: Kooperativ rörelse
    topic: Plattformskapitalism
    +4 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • The People’s Uber

    topic: Plattformskooperativism
    topic: Kooperativ rörelse
    +6 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • The Sharing Economy’s Dirty Laundry

    topic: Plattformskapitalism
    topic: Plattformar
    +3 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • The Unforeseen Dangers of Uber and Airbnb

    topic: Plattformskapitalism
    topic: Plattformar
    +1 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019