Platform Cooperativism Resource Library









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  • Releasing Platform Design Toolkit 2.1

    topic: Plattformar
    topic: Programvaruutveckling
    +2 till
    Tillagt mars 6, 2020
  • Steward-Ownership

    topic: Plattformar
    topic: Nya affärsformer
    +2 till
    Tillagt mars 5, 2020
  • Gig-Economy Apps Are Changing Friendship.

    topic: Plattformskapitalism
    topic: Gigekonomi
    +2 till
    Tillagt februari 28, 2020
  • Deciphering Smart City Citizenship

    topic: Plattformar
    topic: Data
    +4 till
    Tillagt februari 20, 2020
  • Facebook’s Monopoly Power Threatens Democracy Itself

    topic: Plattformar
    topic: Demokratiskt ägande
    +6 till
    Tillagt februari 20, 2020
  • The Gig Economy Celebrates Working Yourself to Death

    topic: Plattformskapitalism
    topic: Gigekonomi
    +2 till
    Tillagt februari 18, 2020
  • Platform Co-Op Mutual Credit System Launches in the UK

    topic: Plattformskooperativism
    topic: Plattformar
    +4 till
    Tillagt februari 13, 2020
  • VNGRD — Cooperative Media for the Left

    topic: Plattformskooperativism
    topic: Plattformar
    +4 till
    Tillagt februari 11, 2020
  • Doug Henwood: The Sharing Economy

    topic: Plattformskapitalism
    topic: Gigekonomi
    +2 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • The Taking Economy

    topic: Plattformskapitalism
    topic: Affärsmodell
    +5 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019