Platform Cooperativism Resource Library









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  • The Platform Co-Operative Movement

    topic: Kooperativ rörelse
    topic: Affärsmodell
    +3 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • Coworking and Co-operatives

    topic: Kooperativ bästa praxis
    topic: Frilansare
    +2 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • People-Powered Finance to the Rescue?

    topic: Kooperativ rörelse
    topic: Plattformskapitalism
    +2 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • Strike Friday at

    topic: Kooperativ rörelse
    topic: Arbetarkraft
    +3 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • Forecasting the Future of Coworking

    topic: Plattformskooperativism
    topic: Kooperativ bästa praxis
    +3 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • Platform Capitalism or Platform Cooperativism

    topic: Plattformskooperativism
    topic: Kooperativ rörelse
    +3 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • Collaborating with Money

    topic: Kooperativ bästa praxis
    topic: Styrning
    +3 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • Practicing Law in the Sharing Economy

    topic: Kooperativ rörelse
    topic: Offentlig politik
    +3 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • Cooperative Equity and Ownership: An Introduction

    topic: Kooperativ rörelse
    topic: Kooperativ bästa praxis
    +3 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019