Platform Cooperativism Resource Library









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  • Palante Technology Cooperative

    topic: Plattformskooperativism
    topic: Affärsmodell
    Tillagt december 27, 2023
  • Online platform work effects on human development at global margins

    topic: Plattformskapitalism
    topic: Gigekonomi
    +8 till
    Tillagt augusti 21, 2023
  • The Indian Telecom Services Performance Indicators

    topic: Plattformskapitalism
    topic: Data
    +2 till
    Tillagt april 9, 2020
  • Web Architects Co-operative

    topic: Plattformskooperativism
    topic: Kooperativ rörelse
    +6 till
    Tillagt april 22, 2020
  • The Case for the Digital Platform Act

    topic: Plattformskapitalism
    topic: Plattformar
    +6 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • The Rules of the Webarchitects Co-operative

    topic: Affärsmodell
    topic: Kooperativ bästa praxis
    +2 till
    Tillagt oktober 11, 2019
  • More Start-Ups Have an Unfamiliar Message for Venture Capitalists

    topic: Inkomster, förmåner och ersättning
    topic: Programvaruutveckling
    +1 till
    Tillagt juni 2, 2020
  • A People’s History of Computing in the United States

    topic: Plattformskooperativism
    topic: Kooperativ rörelse
    +12 till
    Tillagt maj 8, 2020
  • Data Workers of the World, Unite

    topic: Plattformar
    topic: Data
    +6 till
    Tillagt augusti 5, 2023
  • Algorithms of Oppression

    topic: Plattformskapitalism
    topic: Plattformar
    +9 till
    Tillagt maj 11, 2020