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Erik Forman as Part of Who Owns the World? PCC Conference
Luciana Bruno as Part of Who Owns the World? PCC Conference
Maru Bautista as Part of Who Owns the World? PCC Conference
Ra Criscitiello as Part of Who Owns the World? PCC Conference
Sabine Kock as Part of Who Owns the World? PCC Conference
Fredrik Söderqvist as Part of Who Owns the World? PCC Conference
David O'Connell as Part of Who Owns the World? PCC Conference
Introducing Speakers to Labor Power for the Platform Economy Now!
Town Hall 1- The Capital Conundrum (Q&A) as Part of Who Owns the World?
Felix Weth as Part of Who Owns the World? PCC Conference
Ludovica Rogers as Part of Who Owns the World? PCC Conference