Platform Cooperativism Resource Library




Jenis Koperasi





  • The New Spirit of Capitalism

    topic: Kapitalisme Platform
    topic: Perekonomian Gig
    +5 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Maret 30, 2020
  • Critical Theory and the Digital

    topic: Kapitalisme Platform
    topic: Platform
    +5 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Maret 30, 2020
  • The Soul at Work: From Alienation to Autonomy

    topic: Kapitalisme Platform
    topic: Perekonomian Gig
    +7 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Maret 30, 2020
  • The Cinematic Mode of Production

    topic: Bentuk Bisnis Baru
    topic: Data
    +3 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Maret 30, 2020
  • Personal Connections in the Digital Age

    topic: Model Bisnis
    topic: Perekonomian Gig
    +6 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Maret 30, 2020
  • How Value and Affect Converge in the Information Economy

    topic: Kapitalisme Platform
    topic: Model Bisnis
    +4 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Maret 30, 2020
  • Virtual Migration: The Programming of Globalization

    topic: Kapitalisme Platform
    topic: Perekonomian Gig
    +4 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Maret 30, 2020
  • Gendered Work: Sexuality, Family, and the Labour Market

    topic: Advokasi
    topic: Hukum Perburuhan
    +4 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Maret 30, 2020
  • Here’s How Co-Operatives Are Making a Comeback

    topic: Koperativisme Platform
    topic: Gerakan Koperasi
    +3 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Maret 23, 2020
  • This Co-Op Wants to Put Money Back Into Patients’ Hands

    topic: Kepemilikan
    topic: Advokasi
    +3 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Maret 23, 2020