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Riccardo Carboni on Cotabo as Part of Who Owns the World?
Riccardo Carboni as Part of Who Owns the World? PCC Conference
Hays Witt as Part of Who Owns the World? PCC Conference
Martin Van Den Borre as Part of Who Owns the World? PCC Conference
Txiki Blasi, Oriol Alfambra Serrano, & Nuria Soto at Who Owns the World?
Derick Ongansie as Part of Who Owns the World? PCC Conference
Eva: Decentralized Ride Share on EOS
Two Students Are Offering a More Impact-Driven “Uber” in Montreal
New Montreal-Made Uber Competitor Now Accepting Clients and Drivers
Uber Competitor Eva Launches in Montreal
#BuiltOnEOSIO: Canada’s Eva Takes Ride-Sharing Local