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1728 में से 667 संसाधन मैच हुए हैंं
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दिखाए गए संसाधन इनमें से कम से कम एक फ़िल्टर से मैच हो रहे हैं।
Sustainable Platform Cooperativism: Towards Social and Environmental
Co-Operative Platforms: Harnessing the Full Potential of Crowdfunding
The Role of Digital Platforms in Agroecology Food Consumption
Changing Models of Work in the Digital Platform Economy
Platform Cooperativism and Its Contradictions
Cooperativism: A Social, Economic, and Political Alternative
Co-designing Platform Collectivism
Modelling Civil Society's Transformational Dynamism
A Social Charter for Smart Platforms
Cooperative Strategies For an Inclusive 21st Century Economy
Political Economies and Environmental Futures for the Sharing Economy