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1728 માંથી 465 સંસાધન મેચ થયેલ છે
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બતાવેલ સંસાધનો આમાંથી ઓછામાં ઓછા એક ફિલ્ટર સાથે મેચ થાય છે.
How Uber Tried (and Failed) to Change the Dutch Taxi Law
Innovative Cooperation’s Model in Europe
Being a Turker
The Pro-Democratization of Platform Economy
Platform Capitalism: The Intermediation and Capitalization
Car Services in West Yorkshire and the Potential for Platform Coops
Governance in a Virtual P3 Community
A “Driver-Friendly” Uber Competitor Is Nickel-And-Diming Its Drivers After Its $200 Million Acquisition
Employee Ownership Trusts
7 Co-Op Business Principles for the Open Organization
Temp: American Work, American Business, and the American Dream