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Concordancia con 39 de 1728 recursos
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Los recursos mostrados concuerdan con al menos uno de estos filtros.
Far From Seamless: A Workers’ Inquiry at Deliveroo
The View From the Picket Line: Reports From the Food Platform Strike
COVID-19 Symposium: The Combined and Uneven Geography of COVID-19, or on Law, Capitalism and Disease
Riding for Deliveroo: Resistance in the New Economy
The Role of Digital Platforms in Agroecology Food Consumption
Leveraging Blockchain Technologies and Platform Cooperativism
Greens on a Brownfield: Grocery Cooperative Coming to a Food Desert on
Delivery rider collectives are revolutionizing a global business
Beyond Cryptoeconomics: Platform Cooperativism and the Future of Blockchain Governance
The Automation Charade
Trebor Scholz on Platform Cooperativism