Diskussion "Ours to Govern and to Own“ in New York topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği topic: En iyi kooperatifçilik uygulamaları +4daha fazla Ekim 11, 2019Eklendi
Creating the Next Economy by Janelle Orsi topic: Kooperatif hareketi topic: Esnek ekonomi +3daha fazla Ekim 11, 2019Eklendi
Felix Weth as Part of "Platform Cooperativism" Conference The Politics of Digital Culturetarafından topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği topic: Kooperatif hareketi +2daha fazla Ekim 11, 2019Eklendi
Cooperative Commons Manifesto Cooperative Commonstarafından topic: Kooperatif hareketi topic: İş modeli +5daha fazla Ekim 11, 2019Eklendi