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1728'nin 624kaynak eşleşti
Gösterilen kaynaklar, bu filtrelerden en az birisi ile eşleşmektedir.
Introduction to Co-Operatives for Domestic Workers in South Africa
Internet Oligopoly: The Corporate Takeover of Our Digital World
‘Platform Co-Ops’ Gaining Traction
‘The ‘Sharing Economy’ Undermines Workers’ Rights
Human-Centered Computing and the Future of Work
Nathan Schneider at Platform Co-ops event, London 2016
Felix Weth (Fairmondo) at Platform Co-ops event, London 2016
Platform Cooperativism in 180 Seconds v1
Connected Futures Conference | Panel 3
Field of Vision – The Moderators
A Role for Drupal in Movements, Communities and Platform Cooperativism