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1728'nin 518kaynak eşleşti
Gösterilen kaynaklar, bu filtrelerden en az birisi ile eşleşmektedir.
Locking the Web Open with Decentralizing Tech and Platform Co-ops
As Seattle Uber Drivers Try to Unionize, the Company Doubles Down on a Scare Campaign
Techno-Skeptics’ Objection Growing Louder
Will Amazon Take Over the World?
What Would a Co-Op Coin ICO Look Like?
No, Wealth Isn’t Created at the Top. It Is Merely Devoured There
Time To Turn The Page Of Platform Capitalism?
Uber and the Lawlessness of ‘Sharing Economy’ Corporates
'There Is Life After Uber'
The Rules of the Game of Platform Cooperativism
Foreword to a Review of Methodologies for the Design & Incubation of Collaborative Platforms