Platform Cooperativism Resource Library




Kooperatif tipleri





1728'nin 255kaynak eşleşti


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Tümünü temizle

  • Credit Unions Lead in the Sharing Economy

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: Platform kapitalizmi
    +5daha fazla
    Ekim 11, 2019Eklendi
  • Platform Cooperativism in 180 Seconds v1

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: Kooperatif hareketi
    +6daha fazla
    Ekim 11, 2019Eklendi
  • Diskussion "Ours to Govern and to Own“ in New York

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: En iyi kooperatifçilik uygulamaları
    +4daha fazla
    Ekim 11, 2019Eklendi
  • Pirates, Hackers, and the Sharing Economy

    topic: Esnek ekonomi
    topic: En iyi kooperatifçilik uygulamaları
    +3daha fazla
    Ekim 11, 2019Eklendi
  • The Next Sharing Economy

    topic: Kooperatif hareketi
    topic: Platform kapitalizmi
    +9daha fazla
    Ekim 11, 2019Eklendi
  • Connected Futures Conference | Panel 3

    topic: Platform kapitalizmi
    topic: Esnek ekonomi
    +5daha fazla
    Ekim 11, 2019Eklendi
  • Field of Vision – The Moderators

    topic: Platform kapitalizmi
    topic: Platformlar
    +2daha fazla
    Ekim 11, 2019Eklendi
  • Power and Ethics in Online Communities with Stocksy United

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: Kooperatif hareketi
    +4daha fazla
    Ekim 11, 2019Eklendi
  • Nathan Schneider at Platform Co-ops event, London 2016

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: Kooperatif hareketi
    +4daha fazla
    Ekim 11, 2019Eklendi