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1728'nin 1498kaynak eşleşti
Gösterilen kaynaklar, bu filtrelerden en az birisi ile eşleşmektedir.
Creating the Next Economy by Janelle Orsi
Remote Lecture: Terminal by xtine burrough
The Legal Landscape of Social Enterprise and the Sharing Economy
The True Sharing Economy – Decentralized Autonomous Society Meetup [Live]
La'Zooz: A Framework for the New Economy? Matan, Co-Founder of La'Zooz
Bending the Gig Economy Toward Equity | Dawn Gearhart | AI Now 2016
Sara Horowitz, Caitlin Pearce, and Michelle Miller
Workers Rights in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism
How Workers Can Profit by Taking Control of Technology
State and Federal Legislative and Executive Action Opportunities
Harnessing Platform Cooperatives