Platform Cooperativism Resource Library




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  • The Awkward Potential within Sharing Economy Encounters

    topic: Platform Cooperativism
    topic: Platform Capitalism
    +15 more
    Added February 4, 2021
  • Uber and the lawlessness

    topic: Platform Capitalism
    topic: Business Model
    +19 more
    Added February 3, 2021
  • Uber and the lawlessness

    topic: Platform Capitalism
    topic: Business Model
    +21 more
    Added February 3, 2021
  • The Black Box Society

    topic: Platforms
    topic: Data
    +7 more
    Added February 2, 2021
  • The Tradeoff Falacy

    topic: Platforms
    topic: New Business Forms
    +8 more
    Added January 29, 2021
  • Value AND Currency

    topic: Platform Capitalism
    topic: Business Model
    +15 more
    Added January 18, 2021
  • Resistant protocols

    topic: Platforms
    topic: Data
    +11 more
    Added January 18, 2021
  • Pathway to Decentralisation

    topic: Business Model
    topic: Public Policy
    +11 more
    Added January 6, 2021
  • Give Us Back Our Data

    topic: Platform Capitalism
    topic: Platforms
    +7 more
    Added June 23, 2020
  • Digital Labor Studies Go Global

    topic: Platform Cooperativism
    topic: Platforms
    +6 more
    Added June 19, 2020
  • Data as a Common in the Sharing Economy

    topic: Platform Cooperativism
    topic: Platform Capitalism
    +10 more
    Added May 18, 2020