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4 Platforms That Empower City Residents to Collaborate on Civic and Environmental Issues
Matchmakers: The New Economics of Multisided Platforms
ESOPs and the Limits of Fractionalized Ownership
ethicalBay: The Coop Version of Amazon but for Ethical Goods
10 Noteworthy Experiences at OuiShare Fest 2017
Art Co-ops and the Power of Mobilizing Collaboration for Creativity
10 Cool Examples Of Big Co-ops Increasing Member Participation
The Loomio Handbook: A Roadmap for Worker-Owned Cooperatives
#Coops Viadrina: A Platform Coop Magazine, Volume 1
#BuyTwitter? German Newspaper Taz Has Been There, Done That
#BuyTwitter Shareholder Push Fails, but Supporters Hold out Hope