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233od1728dopasowanych zasobów
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Pokazane zasoby odpowiadają co najmniej jednemu z tych filtrów.
Being a Turker
Organizing On-Demand: Representation, Voice, and Collective Bargaining
The Rise and Nature of Alternative Work Arrangements in the U.S.
Online Labour Index: Measuring the Online Gig Economy for Policy and Research
The App as a Boss? Control and Autonomy in Application-Based Management
Decent Work and the Digital Gig Economy
Analysis of Competition Cases Against Uber Across the Globe
The Human Capital Hoax: Work, Debt and Insecurity in the Era of Uber
An Uber Ambivalence: Employee Status, Worker Perspectives, & Regulation
Work in the Platform Economy: Deliveroo Riders in Belgium
The Rise of the “Just-In-Time Workforce"