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Hapus semua

  • Fighting Precarity with Co-Operation?

    topic: Model Bisnis
    topic: Perekonomian Gig
    +9 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Juni 22, 2020
  • Examining Crowd Work and Gig Work

    topic: Perekonomian Gig
    topic: Platform
    +8 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Juni 22, 2020
  • The Radical Tradition That Is Shaping the Next Economy

    topic: Koperativisme Platform
    topic: Gerakan Koperasi
    +7 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Juni 22, 2020
  • Digital Labourers of the City, Unite!

    topic: Koperativisme Platform
    topic: Platform
    +8 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Juni 19, 2020
  • Digital Labor Studies Go Global

    topic: Koperativisme Platform
    topic: Platform
    +6 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Juni 19, 2020
  • The Oxford Handbook of Mutual, Co-Operative, and Co-Owned Business

    topic: Model Bisnis
    topic: Praktik Terbaik Koperasi
    +7 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Juni 17, 2020
  • The Trouble With Scale: Why Not All Growth Is Good

    topic: Kapitalisme Platform
    topic: Model Bisnis
    +4 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Juni 16, 2020
  • Industree on The Lakshmi Rebecca Show

    topic: Gerakan Koperasi
    topic: Model Bisnis
    +6 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Juni 15, 2020
  • Household Wealth Trends in the United States, 1962 to 2016

    topic: Kebijakan Publik
    topic: Pekerja Berupah Rendah
    Ditambahkan Juni 2, 2020