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Hapus semua

  • More Work for Mother: The Ironies of Household Technologies

    topic: Advokasi
    topic: Pendapatan, Tunjangan & Kompensasi
    +4 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan April 4, 2020
  • Coronavirus Exposes Workers to the Risks of the Gig Economy

    topic: Kapitalisme Platform
    topic: Perekonomian Gig
    +2 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Maret 19, 2020
  • A Cooperative Story n.8: Up & Go

    topic: Koperativisme Platform
    topic: Gerakan Koperasi
    +7 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Januari 28, 2020
  • Is the Gig Economy Working?

    topic: Kapitalisme Platform
    topic: Perekonomian Gig
    +3 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Oktober 11, 2019
  • Cooperatives aim to tap into digital platforms for growth

    topic: Koperativisme Platform
    topic: Gerakan Koperasi
    +5 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Oktober 11, 2019
  • Laying the Groundwork for a Worker-Centric Peer Economy

    topic: Perekonomian Gig
    topic: Pendapatan, Tunjangan & Kompensasi
    +2 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Oktober 11, 2019
  • Cooperative Planning - a Case Study in Zürich

    topic: Gerakan Koperasi
    topic: Model Bisnis
    +6 selengkapnya
    Ditambahkan Oktober 11, 2019