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1728 में से 255 संसाधन मैच हुए हैंं
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MoneyLab#2: Rachel O’Dwyer. Tactics for Economic Dissent
Data Commons Co-op: A Tale of Two Directories
A Talk with Josef Davies-Coates
Micky Metts: "Cooperative Development - Thinking Outside the Boss!"
Ra Cristiciello as part of "Platform Cooperativism"
Trust and the Sharing Economy | Data Dialogs 2016
Karla Morales at "Platform Cooperativism"
Janelle Orsi at "Platform Cooperativism"
Dmytri Kleiner as part of “Platform Cooperativism”
Jeremiah Owyang – Collaborative Economy – Ouishare Fest 2015
Marina Gorbis as part of "Platform Cooperativism"