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1728 માંથી 518 સંસાધન મેચ થયેલ છે
તમારાં ફિલ્ટર:
બતાવેલ સંસાધનો આમાંથી ઓછામાં ઓછા એક ફિલ્ટર સાથે મેચ થાય છે.
When Robots Take Our Jobs, Platform Cooperatives Are a Solution
Turkopticon: Interrupting Worker Invisibility in Amazon Mechanical Turk
‘Algorithm Breakers’ Are Not a Different ‘Species’
Green Paper: Digital Platforms
Does Sharing Mean Caring?
Workers of the Internet Unite?
Confounding the Code of Global Capitalism
The Global Gig Economy
A Typology of the Digital Collaborative Economy
The Case for the Digital Platform Act
The High Cost of Free Services