તમામ બ્રાઉઝ કરો
1728 માંથી 125 સંસાધન મેચ થયેલ છે
તમારાં ફિલ્ટર:
બતાવેલ સંસાધનો આમાંથી ઓછામાં ઓછા એક ફિલ્ટર સાથે મેચ થાય છે.
Designing Freedom
Gov 2.0: Platform Cooperativism – Communities and Platforms
Digital Colonialism and Decentralisation
Decentralized Blockchain Technology and the Rise of Lex Cryptographia
Decentralization: An Incomplete Ambition
Decentralization Cannot Be Marketed
A Feminist Future of Work in the Post-Pandemic Moment
Full Text: Jeremy Corbyn’s Speech at Digital Democracy Manifesto Launch
Repositioning CoDesign in the Age of Platform Capitalism: From Sharing to Caring
Changing Models of Work in the Digital Platform Economy