તમામ બ્રાઉઝ કરો
1728 માંથી 451 સંસાધન મેચ થયેલ છે
તમારાં ફિલ્ટર:
બતાવેલ સંસાધનો આમાંથી ઓછામાં ઓછા એક ફિલ્ટર સાથે મેચ થાય છે.
Turning Fairbnb Coop into a Multi-Stakeholder Cooperative
Gendering platform co-operativism: women-owned coops in Brazil and Spain
The Local Implementation of Platform Co-ops in Argentina
Interview of Drivers Cooperative Co-founder
Building Platform Cooperatives in Brazil
Co-operatives, Work, and the Digital Economy
Ride-share App Entirely Based on Blockchain with Pre-Fixed Prices
Co-operative movement offers hope to the next generation
A Democratically Biased Analysis of Platform Economy
SPD-Chefin Nahles will Tech-Riesen stärker regulieren und kooperative Plattformen fördern