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1728 માંથી 518 સંસાધન મેચ થયેલ છે
તમારાં ફિલ્ટર:
બતાવેલ સંસાધનો આમાંથી ઓછામાં ઓછા એક ફિલ્ટર સાથે મેચ થાય છે.
Regulating Uber: The Politics of the Platform Economy
Uber, Lyft Drivers Manipulate Fares Causing Artificial Price Surges
Should We Be Concerned About Data-opolies?
Algorithmic Labor and Information Asymmetries: A Case Study of Uber
The Nature of Capitalism in the Age of the Digital ‘Prosumer’
Performing the Sharing Economy
A People’s History of Computing in the United States
A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform
Digital Agoras: Democratic Legitimacy, Online Participation and the Case of Uber-Petitions
A Multi-Stakeholder Cooperatives Manual
Facebook’s War on Free Will