Platform Cooperativism Resource Library




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232 of 1728 resources matched

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  • Boards That Make a Difference

    topic: Business Model
    topic: Cooperative Best Practices
    +7 more
    Added 13 toukokuun, 2020
  • RChain Cooperative Board

    topic: Platform Cooperativism
    topic: Cooperative Movement
    +13 more
    Added 13 toukokuun, 2020
  • Blockchain Governance

    topic: Platform Cooperativism
    topic: Platform Capitalism
    +10 more
    Added 13 toukokuun, 2020
  • Democratize the People’s News Network

    topic: Platform Cooperativism
    topic: Cooperative Movement
    +5 more
    Added 12 toukokuun, 2020
  • Beyond the Holacracy Hype

    topic: Cooperative Best Practices
    topic: Democratic Ownership
    +5 more
    Added 12 toukokuun, 2020
  • Back to the Future

    topic: Cooperative Movement
    topic: Business Model
    +16 more
    Added 12 toukokuun, 2020
  • Atlas Swam

    topic: Cooperative Movement
    topic: Gig Economy
    +13 more
    Added 12 toukokuun, 2020
  • Architecture of a Technodemocracy

    topic: Platform Cooperativism
    topic: Cooperative Movement
    +21 more
    Added 12 toukokuun, 2020
  • Antitrust as Corporate Governance

    topic: Business Model
    topic: Democratic Ownership
    +11 more
    Added 12 toukokuun, 2020