Platform Cooperativism Resource Library




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186 of 1728 resources matched

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  • Next System Media: An Urgent Necessity

    topic: Platform Capitalism
    topic: Ownership
    +4 more
    Added 11 lokakuun, 2019
  • The Commons Collaborative Economy Explodes in Barcelona

    topic: Cooperative Movement
    topic: Gig Economy
    +2 more
    Added 11 lokakuun, 2019
  • The Revolution Will (Not) Be Decentralised

    topic: Data
    topic: Peer-to-Peer & the Commons
    +4 more
    Added 11 lokakuun, 2019
  • 5 Ways to Take Back Tech

    topic: Platform Cooperativism
    topic: Platforms
    +4 more
    Added 11 lokakuun, 2019
  • There’s a Problem With ‘Crowd Labor’

    topic: Platform Capitalism
    topic: Platforms
    +8 more
    Added 11 lokakuun, 2019
  • The Blockchain Man

    topic: Freelancers
    topic: Decentralized Internet
    +1 more
    Added 11 lokakuun, 2019
  • Platform Surveillance

    topic: Platform Cooperativism
    topic: Platform Capitalism
    +10 more
    Added 11 lokakuun, 2019
  • Our Digital Rights to the City

    topic: Platform Capitalism
    topic: Platforms
    +8 more
    Added 11 lokakuun, 2019