Aztertu dena
6001728baliabide parekatuak
Erakutsitako baliabideak bat datoz gutxienez iragazki horietako batekin.
Why ‘platform cooperatives’ have yet to challenge Big Tech
Escalando soluciones para pescadores en pequeña escala
Collective construction, the best strategy of the Argentine Federation of Technology, Innovation and Knowledge Worker Cooperatives (FACTTIC) to face current challenges
Bringing You Music From Your ‘Hood, Made By Your Pack
New App Aims To Compete With Uber, Lyft While Giving New York Drivers A Living Wage
Working at the Faux-Op
The Private Equity Threat to Co-operatives and Mutuals
Case Studies – Demutualization of Co-operatives and Mutuals
Demutualization of Cooperatives and Mutuals
Sharing Like We Mean It: Working Co-operatively in the Cultural and Tech
21st Century Agroecology