Platform Cooperativism Resource Library




Kooperatiba motak





  • Think Outside The Boss

    topic: Negozio-eredua
    topic: Kooperatibaren funtsak
    27 abendua, 2023 gehituta
  • Worker-Owner Workbook

    topic: Plataforma kooperatibista
    topic: Negozio-eredua
    +1 gehiago
    27 abendua, 2023 gehituta
  • Tertulia

    topic: Negozio-eredua
    topic: Plataformak
    +1 gehiago
    27 abendua, 2023 gehituta
  • Platform co-op looks to show a better way forward on AI

    topic: Plataforma kooperatibista
    topic: Adimen artifiziala
    28 abendua, 2023 gehituta
  • Challenges and Success Potentials of Platform Cooperatives: Insights from a Multiple Case Study

    topic: Plataforma kooperatibista
    topic: Mugimendu kooperatiboa
    +2 gehiago
    28 abendua, 2023 gehituta
  • VectorField

    topic: Plataforma kooperatibista
    28 abendua, 2023 gehituta
  • Platform co-ops: Democratising the digital economy

    topic: Plataforma kooperatibista
    topic: Gig ekonomia
    28 abendua, 2023 gehituta
  • New UAE cooperative law to come into effect in December

    topic: Plataforma kooperatibista
    28 abendua, 2023 gehituta
  • Toward A More Cooperative Web3

    topic: Plataforma kooperatibista
    topic: Mugimendu kooperatiboa
    +2 gehiago
    28 abendua, 2023 gehituta