Platform Cooperativism Resource Library




Kooperatiba motak





  • Demutualization of Cooperatives and Mutuals

    topic: Mugimendu kooperatiboa
    topic: Negozio-eredua
    +2 gehiago
    4 azaroa, 2021 gehituta
  • Sharing Like We Mean It: Working Co-operatively in the Cultural and Tech

    topic: Plataforma kooperatibista
    topic: Mugimendu kooperatiboa
    +5 gehiago
    21 maiatza, 2021 gehituta
  • Ampled Bylaws

    topic: Plataforma kooperatibista
    21 maiatza, 2021 gehituta
  • 21st Century Agroecology

    topic: Plataforma kooperatibista
    topic: Mugimendu kooperatiboa
    +5 gehiago
    21 maiatza, 2021 gehituta
  • Beyond Digital Capitalism (Socialist Register 2021)

    topic: Plataforma kooperatibista
    topic: Mugimendu kooperatiboa
    +7 gehiago
    21 maiatza, 2021 gehituta
  • The development of cooperatives in the U.S.

    topic: Plataforma kooperatibista
    21 maiatza, 2021 gehituta
  • Fostering Worker Cooperatives with Blockchain Technology

    topic: Plataforma kooperatibista
    topic: Mugimendu kooperatiboa
    +6 gehiago
    21 maiatza, 2021 gehituta
  • Why isn’t Uber a worker cooperative?

    topic: Plataforma kooperatibista
    topic: Mugimendu kooperatiboa
    +4 gehiago
    21 maiatza, 2021 gehituta
  • Democracy, you’re on mute: A co-op alternative to Zoom

    topic: Plataforma kooperatibista
    topic: Negozio-eredua
    +1 gehiago
    21 maiatza, 2021 gehituta
  • The Internet of Landlords Makes Renters of Us All

    topic: Kapital-plataforma
    topic: Gig ekonomia
    +2 gehiago
    21 maiatza, 2021 gehituta