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1711728baliabide parekatuak
Erakutsitako baliabideak bat datoz gutxienez iragazki horietako batekin.
The Overlooked Value of the Social Economy
Platform Cooperatives “Made in Mondragón”?
You—Yes, You!—Would Be a Better Owner for Twitter Than Elon Musk
Kerala Plans to Launch 4,000 Platform Co-ops to Upskill Unemployed Youth
Working at the Faux-Op
Are we ready for platform co-operatives in South Africa?
Gov 2.0: Platform Cooperativism – Communities and Platforms
Humans Are Not Resources. Coronavirus Shows Why We Must Democratise Work
#PostCovidEconomy Town Hall
The Case for the Digital Platform Act
A Feminist Future of Work in the Post-Pandemic Moment