Platform Cooperativism Resource Library


Jutta Treviranus at Who Owns the World Conference, convened by the Platform Cooperativism Consortium at The New School in November 2019. Treviranus is a guest speaker for the Who Owns the World? The State of Platform Cooperativism discussion panel.

The IDRC team members Ned ZimmermanCheryl Li, and Jutta Treviranus will briefly introduce their progress on the Kit and Travis Higgins, a PCC team member, will introduce the survey of the digital cooperative economy. It is the goal of the Kit to advance the cooperative digital economy. In the spirit of cooperativism, the kit is co-designed with prospective and current platform cooperative members.

Jutta Treviranus is the Director of the Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) and professor at OCAD University in Toronto, formerly the Adaptive Technology Resource Centre. The IDRC conducts proactive research and development in the inclusive design of emerging information and communication technology and practices. Jutta also heads the Inclusive Design Institute a multi-university regional center of expertise on inclusive design. Jutta is the Co-Director of Raising the Floor International. She also established and directs an innovative graduate program in Inclusive Design. Jutta has led many international multi-partner research networks that have created broadly implemented technical innovations that support inclusion. These include the Fluid Project, Fluid Engage, CulturAll, Stretch, FLOE and many others. Jutta and her team have pioneered personalization as an approach to accessibility in the digital domain. She has played a leading role in developing accessibility legislation, standards, and specifications internationally.

Added April 16, 2020