सभी ब्राउज करें
1728 में से 118 संसाधन मैच हुए हैंं
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दिखाए गए संसाधन इनमें से कम से कम एक फ़िल्टर से मैच हो रहे हैं।
Open Source, Social Activism and "Necessary Trade-offs"
New Tools in Comparative Political Economy
Data as a Common in the Sharing Economy
Can Equity Crowdfunding Democratize Access to Capital and Investment Opportunities?
The Cooperative Moment
Blockchain-Based Token Sales, Initial Coin Offerings, and the Democratization of Public Capital Markets
The Californian Ideology
The Tentacles of a Mighty Octopus
A Framework for Co-operative Higher Education
The Digital Transformation of Work
Atlas Swam