TAPAS – There Are Platforms as AlternativeS Platform companies, sharing platforms and digital commons topic: प्लेटफ़ॉर्म कोऑपरेटिविज़म दिसम्बर 29, 2023 जोड़ा गया
Data Cooperatives as Catalysts for Collaboration, Data Sharing, and the (Trans)Formation of the Digital Commons Michael Max Bühler , Igor Calzada, Isabel Cane, Thorsten Jelinek, Astha Kapoor, Morshed Mannan, Sameer Mehta, Marina Micheli, Vijay Mookerje, Konrad Nübel, Alex Pentland, Trebor Scholz, Divya Siddarth, Julian Tait, Bapu Vaitla, and Jianguo Zhu द्वारा topic: कोऑपरेटिव प्रवृत्ति दिसम्बर 29, 2023 जोड़ा गया