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1728 में से 298 संसाधन मैच हुए हैंं
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दिखाए गए संसाधन इनमें से कम से कम एक फ़िल्टर से मैच हो रहे हैं।
A Short History of Co-operation and Mutuality
A Platform to Stand On
Performing the Sharing Economy
A Multi-Stakeholder Cooperatives Manual
The End of Ownership: Personal Property in the Digital Economy
A Guide to Investing in Community Shares
A British Town’s Novel Solution to Austerity
Car Services in West Yorkshire and the Potential for Platform Coops
Governance in a Virtual P3 Community
A “Driver-Friendly” Uber Competitor Is Nickel-And-Diming Its Drivers After Its $200 Million Acquisition
From Home Sharing and Ride Sharing to Shareholding